Whosoever South


www.whosoeversouth.com | www.facebook.com/whosoevermusic

Hailing from a small Georgia town, WHOSOEVER has cooked up a deliciously unique combination of Gospel/Hip-Hop/Country flavored music.

“We bring a very high energy to an audience and we also have a dance crew that’s choreographed about half of our songs, which means no one sits throughout the whole show,” offers Rowdy with a laugh.  “But our primary mission is preaching the word.  Music’s just the instrument, and throughout the concert, our main concern is to preach what’s on our heart.” 

“Our audience is literally from two to 82-years-old,” continues Sarah.

No matter the size of the crowd or level of future success, it’s evident Whosoever South’s goals are grounded in the Gospel, or as Mike so succinctly sums up, “to share the love of Jesus with everybody.”  And considering the incredible journey each member’s been on both personally and professionally, there’s not a corner of the world too challenging for them to attempt sowing a seed, especially since they’re all survivors in more ways than one.

“Christ came to save sinners and our goal is the streets,” adds Rowdy. “We love the church, but the church is the barracks to go and get sharpened and armored up for the war in this world. We certainly want to encourage those that already know Jesus, but our number one priority is to talk to people who don’t.  We get so many praise reports of parents who email us and say their son wouldn’t have ever listened to Christian music, but there was something in our sound they identified with.  But we’re not seeking man’s approvals, just doing what God has called us to do and trying to draw closer to the Lord in the process.”

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